featured artists
Karen Good
Alex McKeton
Nella Nerrosa
Kelsey Colcord
Francine Kontos
Brienne DeMott
Michelle Gammon
Jennifer Daly
Jennifer Daly
Rebecca Soucy
Christopher Strickland
Jamie Armington
Elizabeth Ricciotti
Andrew Cote
Marlena Peterson
Madison Gillies
Jessica Blier
Katie Dudley
Emily Edgerly
Andrea Reed
Olivia Hopper
Monica Bancroft
Jeff Couillard
Jennifer Bosco
Jake Hayward
Dan Cwyner
Tony Alameda
Jade Golden
Tyler Allen
Britton Stetser
Jake Roy
Jake Roy
Alyssa Hanchett
Amanda Martocchio
Rachel Czepyha
Caitlin Evvard
Matthew Alexander Wyatt
Matt Devoe
Jade Flad
Frank Fortuna
Lael Dalal
Eric Savard
Eric Savard
Christine Arsenault
Molley Defrees
Abra Andrews

emerging artists and their mentors
May 1– May 30, 2005

The art school division of artstream is working with local schools to create this important exhibit opportunity as a mentoring experience for high school juniors and seniors and give their mentors a chance for exhibition as well.